Monday, July 11, 2016

What if...

What if I live a hundred years? Will you be still there for me? Was I really the one that you love?

What if you found somebody new? What will I ever do?

What if you found out that I don't love you anymore? Will you ever forgive me?

What if my life was different as today? Will you still give the courage to love me, even if I was in love with someone?

What if the water runs dry? Will you still be there to catch me whenever I fall?

What if you fail to see me, will you still ever call my name?

What if the world ends with you beside me? Will you ever hold my hand or let it go?

And what if you & I never met? Will your life be as wonderful as you have right now?

What if I die & you never found out? Will you still love me for the rest of your life?

So much to say, yet time & words sometimes run dry...

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