Thursday, January 23, 2020

BROKEN... Again... part 1

I wanted to tell you that you have broken my soul again. I don't really know why do we have to part. I messed up, fucked up the good relationship. I wanted to leave,  but I couldn't.  And then I must have my freedom.  And got it...

We agreed that we should set each other free. I was hurt with what you did, but I was being stubborn because the feeling of you neglected me. And so I reached to the boiling point to say hurtful words, I exploded! I couldn't take it back.  I said I don't love you anymore, I'm bored, and I want my freedom back. And damn just like so, I got what I wanted.

I felt so free for a second,  but it dawned to me that you were gone.  I wanted to take it back, go back, but I was furious of what you did that very night. Pride kept me going on. I realized that maybe we have to part ways. 

I love you, but you have to go...

I lost my home, my love, my job, and my life... 

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