It was the 5th day of August, 2009… Sad to say I woke up at around 1:30 this afternoon. I was in a rush when I realized, & thought that I missed the funeral of our dear beloved late President Cory Aquino. I felt disappointed because, I thought that I wasn’t able to watch it on national television. But then again, as I was checking my mobile, then read the text message of panpan, & she told me that the convoy was near my place, and she was asking me, if I were to see such, surprised I was to say, that the convoy of the former president will be passing thru Osmena Highway, meaning, near our home. So without further ado, & without even combing my hair, I just grabbed my jacket & my umbrella, & rushed to the highway, hoping that I would see her even just a glance before she was to be taken to her last resting place. When I was walking across the street, with my feet rushing to the highway, the rain fell even more, the umbrella that I was carrying was no use. Anyhow, as I was approaching the nearing highway, and as I anticipated there were so many people waiting, that then I know that I wasn’t late yet. So I kept walking, bumping & swishing from side to side with the people. Until I reached the spot, wherein I can see the convoy, but much to my consternation, all that I saw were asses of the people (geez!), so then I walked & walked until I reached the middle part of the highway, & there I was… and there she was…. I saw the carriage of the casket of the late President Corazon Aquino right in front of my very eyes. I felt shivers through my spine. Honestly speaking, I wasn’t really that nationalistic, unlike my good friend Danniel Ancheta, who is really a patriotic person. Well I know that I’m a Filipino because I was born & raised here (though my bloodline tells otherwise). I just don’t know why I have to wake up & rush to the highway. Just as I thought, maybe it was some calling that it is high time for me & for all the Filipinos, to grasp that our country needs people who can feel the love for their nation, & that someone who can be responsible & has a perfect concern to what is happening in our motherland.

At some point in
time, we will realize that we have to be thankful with what Tita Cory has done
to the country. Without her taking over, I just don’t know what will
happen to our country.
And maybe, it is
not yet too late to appreciate, grasp & acknowledge her & everything
that she did for our motherland & for our fellowmen.
Thank you President
Cory Aquino. Your memory will remain in me & to our country…
“He, who has gone, so we but cherish his memory,
abides with us, more potent,
nay, more present than the living man”.
~Antoine de Saint-Exupery
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