I am sitting in front of my office table, as I work, I normally
play a music in my background to keep me going, or to be inspired, to work
faster, or just simply put myself in the "invisible glass box", that
box keeps me alone for a period of time, where my soul can travel to wherever
or whichever place it may please. That box was constant for so long,
that started when i was in my elementary years, through that box, I have
learned the art of multi-tasking, it is like working in a very busy & noisy
environment, but I can compose myself to be focused.
I always say that the world is a constant change. People come
& go... Be it temporarily or permanently. So love the ones you
have right now. Tell them how much they mean to you. Give them a smile, a
hug, a warm kiss, shower them with endless words of endearment, because you
will never ever know when it will end. Yes it ends...